Publication | Peer reviewed papers | Potentiale, Bioenergiesysteme, Logistik

Increased efficiency of dual fluidized bed plants via a novel control strategy

Thomas Nigitz, Markus Gölles, Christian Aichernig, Steffen Schneider, Hermann Hofbauer, Martin Horn

Published 2020

Citation: Nigitz T, Gölles M, Aichernig C, Schneider S, Hofbauer H, Horn M. Increased efficiency of dual fluidized bed plants via a novel control strategy. Biomass & Bioenergy. 2020 Okt;141. 105688.


Industrial plants using DFB biomass gasification are on the verge of profitability. These plants should be operated more economically in order to support the industrial applications for renewable technologies of this kind. Since some parts of such plants are typically difficult to control, a state-of-the-art control strategy is analyzed here in the context of its potential for increased economic efficiency. The DFB gasification plant “HGA Senden” in Ulm, Germany is considered on an exemplary basis here. A process analysis reveals a high potential in the synchronization of product gas generation and utilization. At the present time a relevant surplus of product gas is burned in an auxiliary boiler for synchronization purposes and regular manual adjustments at the fuel feed are necessary by the plant operators. For this synchronization a novel control strategy is developed that actuates the auxiliary boiler and the fuel feed simultaneously. The novel control strategy was experimentally validated for a period of over one month. Due to this long-term evaluation the fuel consumption was reduced by 5% and the manual adjustments of the fuel feed that were necessary on average every 30min were eliminated. As a result DFB gasification plants can be operated more economically by applying the novel control strategy for synchronization of product gas generation and utilization.

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