Publication | Other Publications | Potentiale, Bioenergiesysteme, Logistik

Techno-economic assessment of wood-based processes with feedstock price scenarios in Austria

Published 3 October 2022

Citation: Fuhrmann M, Dißauer Ch, Strasser Ch, Schmid E. Techno-economic assessment of wood-based processes with feedstock price scenarios in Austria. Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies.31.15


Woody biomass is a raw material and cost factor for a range of industries in Austria. The aim of this article is to assess impacts of price developments on operating costs of particleboard, combined heat and power (CHP) and synthetic natural gas (BioSNG) production. Three price scenarios have been developed for pulpwood, industrial wood chips and forest wood chips for the period 2021 - 2026. Results show that the share of raw material costs on total operating costs ranges between 24 - 64% for particleboard, 45 - 82% for CHP, and 24 - 63% for BioSNG production.

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