
As part of the Green Deal, greenhouse gas emissions in the EU are to be reduced by at least 55% by 2030...

The dissertation project "RAW - Recovery of inorganic valuable materials from gas generation"...

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) are seen as one of the key elements in reducing the aviation sector's...

Dual fluidized bed (DFB) gasification enables the supply of renewable energy from a wide variety of residual...

Through the use of thermochemical conversion technologies, like gasification and pyrolysis, the BioTheRoS...

The production of synthesis gas and the downstream production of fuels and chemicals via synthesis processes...

Waste2Value-LevelUp! deals with the conversion of biomass residues and waste into a synthesis gas using...

The project "KLAR - Sewage Sludge Inorganic Recycling" aims to make sewage sludge usable as...

Heat production in large industry sectors (steelmaking, cement production, etc.) is currently primarily...

The goal of the BIG - GreenGas project is to research new processes for upgrading biogenic residues into...

The HyStore project examines alternative technologies for hydrogen storage. Currently, hydrogen is mainly...

The CO2 intensity in the Austrian industry and energy sector can be reduced by the promising approach...

Success Stories Hydrogen from solid biogenic residues Models for the future The right material...

Die Gasreinigung stellt einen großen Unsicherheitsfaktor in Vergasungsprozessen dar. Wenn...

Synopsis: In the last 10 years R&D was focused on the utilization of FT products for the production...

Construction and start-up of a new pilot plant in Vienna, Austria, which will demonstrate the conversion...

Synopsis: Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis is capable to convert renewable syngas (CO and H2) to hydrocarbons...

Synopsis: Heat-to-Fuel is a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project carried out by 14 partners from across...

The project investigated the interaction between K-feldspar, a type of alternative bed material, and...

In BIOENERGY 2020+ research and development on the synthesis of mixed alcohols is done since 2010. Within...

ROMEO is a European Research and Innovation Project funded by the European Commission. It is developing...

Steam gasification of biomass offers a great potential for polygeneration concepts, which aim at the...

The objective of the COMET project "Barrel / day Fischer Tropsch" is the planning, construction...

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