Algae4Fish: Recycling of Nutrients From Agro-Industrial Residues Through the Cultivation of Microalgae as Fish Feed
The Interreg-project ATCZ221 – Algae4Fish aims at the utilization of agro-industrial residues as basis for the production of high quality live food for breeding commercially relevant fish species such as pike perch. The technology for implementing this strategy is a multi-stage process, which is developed together with the project partners in Austria and the Czech Republic.
In the first step, nutrients are recovered from sources like digestate (residues from biogas plants) or animal slurry through cultivation of phytoplankton (microalgae) on these substrates. The harvested algae biomass is used as primary feed for the production of zooplankton (rotifers), which is then used as feed for breeding pike perch larvae. Rotifers are regarded as the best possible feed for these larvae and they guarantee a high survival rate.
In the course of this project, the know-how in the area of nutrient recycling from agricultural residues is combined with the know-how in microalgae cultivation, and the long-time experience in fish breeding in both regions.
The results of the project shall be the description of the technology, as well as pilot plants that are tested under realistic conditions in the Czech Republic and Austria. Additionally, there will be training events for target groups like fish producers, professional and interest associations, public authorities, biogas plant operators, farmers.
The project is financed through the European Regional Development Fund (Interreg V-A programme for cross-border collaboration between Austria and the Czech Republic 2014-2020).
EUR 798.403,--
2020-01-01 - 2024-03-31
Supported by
Interreg (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung) - Interreg V-A Programm für grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Österreich und der Tschechischen Republik 2014-2020
Centre Algatech, Institut für Mikrobiologie, Tschechische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Centre Algatech, Institute of Microbiology, The Czech Academy of Sciences)
Südböhmische Universität in Budweis (University of South Bohemia České Budějovice)
Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft (The Federal Agency for Water Management)
Area Management
Bernhard DROSG